How to care for your new plant?

Thank you for ordering from MGC Succulents, we're so excited that you love plants as much as we do.

🌵 What should I do when my package arrives?

🛑 We highly recommend you wear a mask and gloves when dealing with plants and soil.

Your plants have been in transit for a few days. They may look a little dehydrated and stretchy. This is normal. It is best to pot them up as soon as they arrive, then give them a good drink of water. The best way to do this is to put a dish under your pot and let it soak up the water for a few hours. this will ensure that the roots soak up plenty of water. We grow our sun lovers in full sun, however because they have been in transit, please re introduce them gradually back into full sun, We recommend a little more sun each day. This will avoid the plant going into shock or burning.
🌵 How to care for your new plants?
⛅ Shade Lovers 
Place your plant indoors or in a nice shady area.
Plants don’t like complete darkness, make sure there is some filtered light coming through the room.
Plants also need good airflow.
🌞 Sun Lovers
Place your plants outside in a nice sunny spot.
Full sun plants like at least 4-5 hours in the sun.
If growing indoors, make sure your plant is in a sunny spot with good airflow.

 💦 Watering

The trick with all plants is to dehydrate then re-hydrate.

Let the plant completely dry out before watering again.
Tip: Do not spray your plants with a spray bottle, as this will only water the leaves and the top of the soil. Most plants thrive on their root system, so ensure that their roots get a good amount of water to drink. A great method is to place a dish under the plant and let the plant soak up the water. (Capillary action)
Trick: For best results water your plants between 6am-10am. This will reduce the chance of your plant getting root rot, as it allows your plant plenty of time to drink the water.

This is general advice only, Our advice is based on our location and climate.